Our Work.

How is our work helping children, families and Montana? 

Montana Head Start and Early Head Start programs are based on the idea that every child has the ability to reach their full potential. Our programs provide the support needed to help realize that potential, regardless of circumstances of birth. We approach this work by focusing on the whole child and whole families together.

Since 1965, programs have enhanced:

  • School Readiness:

    Children have better physical health, improved social skills, and increased math, language, and literacy skills that prepares them for school.

  • Social-Emotional Development:

    Head Start children show fewer behavioral problems, are less hyperactive, and are less aggressive. In the long-term, Head Start children are less likely to engage in criminal activities as young adults.

  • Child Welfare:

    Head Start are children less likely to be involved in the child welfare system and experience lower rates of abuse and neglect. For children already involved in the child welfare system, Head Start participation decreases subsequent encounters and enhances school-readiness and social-emotional outcomes.

  • Parent Advancement:

    Head Start enhances parents’ education level, employment status, and income. It also improves parents’ skills, reduces parental stress, and improves overall family stability and self sufficiency.

  • Success in Early Head Start:

    Early Head Start children perform better on a wide range of cognitive measures, have better social skills, and exhibit significantly fewer behavioral problems and incidents of aggression. These children have better access to health care and parental engagement.

The Head Start Advantage

Head Start programs provide immediate gains for children and support for families. In the long run, participating in a Head Start or Early Head Start program is a great investment. Research show that investing in high quality programs like Head Start results in a return of $7-$11 for each dollar invested.

In 2021, Montana programs served 3,932 children and 88 pregnant women during the pandemic. Children were served in 309 center based classrooms in addition to home based learning. At full capacity, Montana’s Head Start and Early Head Start programs can enroll 4,449 children. 

Head Start programs work hard to ensure that children facing difficult circumstances have access to the Head Start advantage. In 2021, 11% of enrolled children had a disability, 10% experienced homelessness, 9% were in foster care and 5% had an active military or veteran parent. 

“Really appreciate the transparency and realness from teachers and how they go the extra mile to make my kids feel safe & comfortable.“

— Parent, Ravalli Head Start, Inc. 

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